The Klopniscope

Hello world!

What kind of monster would I be if I didn't use that title for my first blog post? I'm really excited to get this blog off the ground. I've blogged before, but this is my first foray into it for a fair few years, and I've had a lot of new experiences in the intervening years.

Not only that, I'm at a precipice in my life; I'm hoping to begin studying for a PhD in Philosophy this coming academic year (I just need to get the proposal finished and sent off), and it'll likely take me back to the university where I did my undergraduate degree. How strange it will be to look upon it with older eyes! I enjoyed some wonderful times at that uni, and now I get the opportunity to return there with an extra four years of life under my belt. The new hobbies, the things I've learnt, the friends I've gained—all of this will return there with me as I slip back into that town like it's a well-loved jumper.

Besides my PhD, I'm currently involved in two TTRPG campaigns: I'm running a Pathfinder 2e campaign set in Golarion, and for once, I'm actually playing in a D&D campaign. It's set in my DM's homebrew world, and as I type this, I believe we're about 12 sessions in. From what I understand, it's already double the length of the DM's second-longest campaign ever, but this group—made up of some of my best friends in the world—is a group that loves long campaigns. The previous D&D campaign, which I ran, lasted for 54 sessions over nearly two years. It's strange to think that we're just 12 sessions into this new campaign and I'm moving on to my third character already! (The rest of the party don't know about this, so I'm not sharing my new blog with them until after the session. Spoilers...)

Anyway, thanks for stopping by my blog. I've surprised myself by how long this blog post is already—I only meant for it to be a placeholder so I could link to it from my homepage! I've got a lot I want to talk about, and I'm looking forward to getting the chance to do that in the future now I've got this blog. If you'd like to follow along, please feel free to subscribe via RSS or Atom. If you don't use RSS, here's why it's really cool. I recommend CommaFeed: it's 100% free and has all the features you might want (at least for general use). It's technically web-only, but I added the shortcut to my phone's home screen and it works just fine and dandy on there as well.

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